Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.


Recent download submissions by Matt

Name Downloads
Automatic Subscriptions - 1.2
Allows you to automatically subscribe to all new threads and replies without having to manually subscribe to all forums and threads.
Awaiting Activation Count - 1.6.4
Shows the number of users awaiting activation in the header.
Awaiting Activation Message - 1.8
Shows a message to people awaiting activation by email or admin.
Cookie Law - 1.0
Give information and gain consent for cookies to be set by the forum.
Courtesy Edit Time - 1.1
Allow a courtesy edit time, whereby the 'edited by' message won't show up for a set amount of time.
Custom User Permissions - 1.0
Apply permissions to specific users instead of just usergroups.
Date of Birth on Registration - 1.0
Adds options to require a date of birth in the registration form, and to deny users under a certain age.
Email Admin-Created User - 1.0
If you create a user in the Admin CP, this will email them their account details so they can login.
Go to Full Reply/Edit - 0.1.1
Allows you to quickly go from quick reply to full reply or quick edit to full edit whilst saving any text you had previously entered.
Goodbye Spammer - 1.1
Makes it easy to delete all traces of a spammer from your forum.
Header Warning Level - 1.8
Shows a user's warning level in the welcomeblock.
Karma Stars - 1.1
Earn 'karma' and collect stars for posting.
MySupport -
Add features to your forum to help with giving support. Allows you to mark a thread as solved or technical, assign threads to users, give threads priorities, mark a post as the best answer in a thread, and more to help you run a support forum.
Plugin Uploader - 1.1.2
Allows you to import .zip plugin archives directly and have the files extracted to their correct locations automatically.
Report Reputation - 0.3.1
Allows you to report reputation if it is spam/abuse etc.